Started a new graduate career as a RA at the SCSLab.

Image credit: SCSLab


Successfully completed the master’s research work and started a new graduate career as a Research Associate (RA) at the SCSLab.

Sep 13, 2023 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM
Started a new graduate career as a RA at the SCSLab
The University of Sydney
Sydney, 2006

I would like to express my profound gratitude to Prof. Athman Bouguettaya, whose continuous support and mentoring during the course of my Master’s Degree have been instrumental in my success. His expert guidance and supervision have been invaluable in shaping my development as a tenacious, committed, and fastidious researcher. Additionally, I would like to extend my appreciation to the esteemed members of the Sensors, Clouds, and Services Laboratory for their invaluable assistance and consistent feedback during the pursuit of my Master’s Degree.

Special thanks to Dr. Amani Abusafia and Dr. Abdallah Lakhdari, whose exceptional expertise greatly contributed to the refinement of my conference papers and thesis. Furthermore, my deepest gratitude is owed to every teacher who has influenced my life at various stages, for they have served as wellsprings of inspiration and support.

I must also convey my heartfelt thanks to my family, whose love, support, and encouragement have been unwavering. My father, his optimism and fortitude have served as a constant source of inspiration. My mother, her comforting presence has provided solace and strength throughout my life. Lastly, I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation to my dearest friends, whose companionship and support over the years have been a cherished constant.

Pengwei Yang
Pengwei Yang
Research Associate at SCSLab (USYD)

Pengwei Yang is a Research Associate in the Sensors, Clouds, and Services Lab at the University of Sydney. His research interests include Crowdsourcing, Service-oriented Computing, Deep Learning, and Trustworthy Machine Learning.