Congrats to Pengwei Yang for receiving research support funding from the Research Committee again!

Pengwei Yang’s Higher Degree by Research - Research Activities Support Funding application got approved! AUD 2,593.56 in total.

Organization identifiers


University of Sydney: Sydney, AU

Other organization identifiers provided by ROR

FUNDREF: 501100001774 (preferred), 100009028 , 501100001196 , 501100001248 501100004365 , 501100005157 , 501100006150 , 501100007811

GRID: grid.1013.3 (preferred)

ISNI: 000000041936834X

ORGREF: 31928 (preferred), 14725975 , 15096830 , 1686494 9052615

WIKIDATA: Q487556 (preferred), Q55080124

WIKIPEDIA_URL: (preferred)

Funding subtype HDR-RASF

Total funding amount AUD 2,593.56

In 2023, a total of 5,000 Australian dollars was obtained as research funding.

Description Higher Degree by Research - Research Activities Support Funding

Pengwei Yang
Pengwei Yang
Research Associate at SCSLab (USYD)

Pengwei Yang is a Research Associate in the Sensors, Clouds, and Services Lab at the University of Sydney. His research interests include Crowdsourcing, Service-oriented Computing, Deep Learning, and Trustworthy Machine Learning.